
Tue 18 February 2014

NEURON simulator on Fedora

Posted by ankur in Tech (209 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

I've been meaning to package up NEURON for Fedora for a while now. From the NEURON website:

*What is NEURON?*


  • is a flexible and powerful simulator of neurons and networks
  • has important advantages over general-purpose simulators
  • helps users focus on important biological issues rather than purely computational concerns
  • has …


Mon 16 December 2013

Time and task tracking

Posted by ankur in Tech (1003 words, approximately a 5 minute read)

Being a research student is really tough. I mean tough. The most difficult part is keeping up the self discipline, day after day, week after week. As a research student, you make your own schedule, you even make your own syllabus pretty much. I handle the syllabus part just fine …