Managing tasks and generating timesheets using taskwarrior
A while back, I had blogged on how one can use gtg and hamster-time-tracker to manage their tasks, and track them. Now, I personally prefer the terminal. A few days ago, I was talking to threebean and he pointed me to his time sheet. Helpful as always, threebean told me how he'd generated the time sheet. I document the steps here for any one else that's interested in doing the same.
What you need
$ sudo dnf install ansi2html task #use yum if you prefer
This will provide you with the task command. Read the quick tutorial on using it here. As usual, RTFM at `` $ man task``.
Generating time sheets
Then, you need two shell scripts. The first, generates your time sheet from task:
#!/bin/bash # File : # # This generates timesheet data for my fedora tasks only source /home/<USER>/.bashrc phrase="1-weeks-ago" #fmt="%m/%d/%Y" fmt="%Y-%m-%d" start=$(date +$fmt -d $phrase) end=$(date +$fmt) filter="" echo " (generated at $(date))" echo echo " -- Tasks completed from $start to $end (back $phrase) -- " /usr/bin/task work_report $filter end.after:$start echo echo " -- Upcoming tasks -- " /usr/bin/task next $filter echo echo " -- Blocked tasks -- " /usr/bin/task blocked $filter echo echo " -- Blocking tasks -- " /usr/bin/task blocking $filter echo echo " -- Summary -- " /usr/bin/task summary $filter echo echo " -- History -- " /usr/bin/task history $filter /usr/bin/task ghistory $filter /usr/bin/task burndown.daily /usr/bin/task burndown
The second just converts it into an html file that you can host. This one looks like this:
# File : # # Generates reports from my task data # #!/bin/bash today=$(date +%Y-%m-%d) /home/<USER>/bin/ | ansi2html > /tmp/timesheet-fedora.html /home/<USER>/bin/ | ansi2html > /tmp/timesheet-all.html cp /tmp/timesheet-fedora.html ~/timesheets/$today.html cp /tmp/timesheet-fedora.html ~/timesheets/latest.html cp /tmp/timesheet-all.html ~/timesheets/$today-all.html cp /tmp/timesheet-all.html ~/timesheets/latest-all.html scp -i /home/<USER>/.ssh/id_fedora_rsa /tmp/timesheet-fedora.html <FAS USER>$today.html scp -i /home/<USER>/.ssh/id_fedora_rsa /tmp/timesheet-fedora.html <FAS USER> rm /tmp/timesheet*.html
This will generate a pretty time sheet for you, like the one threebean hosts, or the one I host. Taskwarrior is quite the same as gtg. I've moved to it because I prefer using the terminal as much as possible, and it lets me create sheets where I can keep an eye on my tasks. Yes, I'll continue to maintain gtg in Fedora. Don't worry ;)
Customizing your time sheet
You can customize your time sheets and other options by creating a ~/.taskrc file. More themes are available in /usr/share/doc/task/rc/
My .taskrc looks like this:
# Files data.location=/home/asinha/.task _forcecolor=yes defaultwidth=160 include /usr/share/doc/task/rc/dark-blue-256.theme report.work_report.description=now report.work_report.columns=priority,project,description,end,entry,entry.age report.work_report.labels=priority,project,description,completed,entered on,age report.work_report.sort=project+,end- report.work_report.filter=status:completed journal.time=on
Play around with it. There's quite a bit you can do.
Some more: taskserver
I haven't tried this out myself. I don't need it yet. However, you can run a taskserver on your host and log tasks from anywhere over the internet. Documentation can be found here. If you do figure it out, please write a blog post documenting it for Fedora. threebean's working on the taskd package already.