
Sun 14 March 2010

"Hello world" (again)

Posted by ankur in Tech (114 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

The title is significant, since I've been off blogging for quite a while. It's positive since it shows that I've gotten quite a lot of work on my head.

Here's what I've been up to with respect to Fedora :

  1. Working on fedora-tour.
  2. Packaging maintaining.
  3. Helping out at #fedora and the …


Sat 06 March 2010

GNUnify 2010 at Pune

Posted by ankur in Tech (314 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

I'm pretty late with this one. All thanks to the excessive work that's bogging me down. (College work + fests + projects + fedora work :|) Anyway, here goes:

The event was the second major FOSS event that I attended, the first being at the end of the last year.  Pune was …


Thu 21 January 2010

fedora tour mockups

Posted by ankur in Tech (140 words, approximately a 1 minute read)


Been quite a while since we posted about the tour. Here's an update:

Here's the mail I sent to the design list:

I've made some mockups for the fedora-tour app. we're working on.

It's really amateur stuff but hopefully enough to get

the idea across. The real intention is …


Thu 21 January 2010

fedora tour mockups

Posted by ankur in Tech (140 words, approximately a 1 minute read)


Been quite a while since we posted about the tour. Here's an update:

Here's the mail I sent to the design list:

I've made some mockups for the fedora-tour app. we're working on.

It's really amateur stuff but hopefully enough to get

the idea across. The real intention is …