
Fri 20 February 2015

Extracting small chunks of data from EXTREMELY LARGE files - say hello to memory mapped files

Posted by ankur in Research (2138 words, approximately a 9 minute read)

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The story so far ...

Beware - lots of PhDcomics links in the text!

The first post on my research blog, finally - wait! I mean "Hello World"!

Research is going really well - the supervisors seem happy and I haven't considered killing myself out of frustration yet or even worse - I haven't once wondered if a research career was a mistake to take up. I've now been signed up as a visiting lecturer and after my first stint with marking undergraduate examination papers, I'm a lot happier supervising BSc final year projects. (The marking didn't actually go that bad - most of them scored more than 75%, and no, I'm not a lenient marker!). I am looking forward to teaching, though - I expect to thoroughly enjoy putting an entire class to sleep!

Anyway, on to the sciency stuff!

Memory mapped files?

Some background on how I came across memory mapped files before we begin. On a typical day, I run multiple iterations of simulations. Each of these simulations deals with about 10,000 neurons and runs for a total simulation time of about 8 hours. I specify simulation time because the library I use, Auryn, is written in C++ and uses MPI to speed this up and reduces the actual running time to about an hour and a half. Anyway, to cut the long story short, my simulation produces a lot of data - generally in the order of 30Gbs - one simulation had produced more than 200Gbs, even. This is only spike data, as explained here. I've only begun my PhD and I expect my simulations to get longer and more complicated, which logically implies that the amount of data that I'll have to post process will also increase accordingly.

The information I usually need from my simulation data is the spike information of individual neurons (number of spikes in a time period - the firing rate) in between certain times - simulation snapshots, we call them. So, from 30Gigs of data, I need to search, process and actually only plot a couple of hundred MBs at the most, generally tens of MBs or less. The simplest way of doing this is - read all your data in, find the required snapshots, extract them and move on with the post processing. With 30Gigs of data, I could probably do this - my server has more RAM than that, but, it'll still take the system time to read all this data into memory. This is what I was doing a month back, though - before I started looking for more efficient techniques. An R script (the supposed standard language for big data) was used for a while - still read all the data into memory. Databases were considered and duly dismissed - I'm not going to save 30Gigs of data for each simulation when I only need a few MBs. The database will anyway run indexing operations on the data which will still make it take a while to load the data and the data loading part was what I was really looking to quicken.

After looking around for quick disc access, I found memory mapped files. As the wikipedia article says, "A memory-mapped file is a segment of virtual memory which has been assigned a direct byte-for-byte correlation with some portion of a file or file-like resource." The useful bit is where it says, "Once present, this correlation between the file and the memory space permits applications to treat the mapped portion as if it were primary memory.". So, basically, you have a large file, but you don't need to read it into memory - you simply map it into memory. Once you've done that, you use pointer arithmetic to calculate and extract only the required chunks. Simple? Yes! Well, almost. Since you're going to be using pointer arithmetic to calculate your data locations, data where each entry is of a uniform size is quite important. You can still do it without uniform data, but that'll require you to use a sentinel like a "n" to find each line and you'll have to go through the entire file anyway - it'll just be more complicated. To use my memory mapped file method, I first got the simulator to output data in binary format - where I could ensure that the size of each record was the same. This is really simple to do with a struct, like this:

struct spikeEvent_type {  AurynTime time;  NeuronID neuronID; };

As long as you're running both the read and write operations on the same machine, with the same compiler, you can be quite certain that the size of the struct will not change between the time you write the data and then read it from your post-processing script. Memory mapped files can be used for a lot more, of course, but we only require multi-threaded reads which means we don't need to use locks or mutexes or the sort to prevent race conditions at all.

The code

If you've made it this far, here's your reward - the code (snippets)!

I use boost's implementation of memory mapped files. I couldn't find any tutorials, but a post or two gave me the idea on how to use the API. So, you need this inclusion:

#include <boost/iostreams/device/mapped_file.hpp>

Each MPI rank produces a separate file, so I have 16 files here, since I use 16 ranks. Instead of sorting and merging them, I simply map them all. A vector, therefore appears, and holds my memory mapped file objects:

std::vector<boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source> raster_data_source_E;     std::ostringstream converter;

for (unsigned int i = 0; i < parameters.mpi\_ranks; ++i)
converter << parameters.output\_file << "." << i << "\_e.ras";


Now, we have the files mapped. Let's say my files have data from 0 to 3600 seconds. I need to count the firing rate of my neurons at 2000 seconds. So, I need to get chunks from my 16 files that contain data from 1999 to 2000 seconds. If you've studied computer science at all, you should've had a "BINARY SEARCH" neon light light up in your head at this point. I used something similar - upper and lower bounds. Luckily, their algorithms, along with pseudo code are documented here and here respectively.

My implementations look like this:

 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  binary_upper_bound
 *  Description:  Last occurence of a key using binary search
 * =====================================================================================
    char *
binary_upper_bound (double timeToCompare, boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source &openMapSource )
    char *spikesStart = NULL;
    unsigned long int numStart = 0;
    unsigned long int numEnd = 0;
    char *currentSpike = NULL;
    unsigned long int numCurrent = 0;
    unsigned long int numdiff = 0;
    unsigned long int step = 0;
    unsigned long int sizeofstruct = sizeof(struct spikeEvent_type);
    struct spikeEvent_type *currentRecord = NULL;

    /*  start of last record */
    spikesStart =  (char *);
    numStart = 0;
    /*  end of last record */
    numEnd = (openMapSource.size()/sizeofstruct -1);

    /*  Number of structs */

    numdiff = numEnd - numStart;
#ifdef DEBUG
    std::cout << "Finding last of " << timeToCompare << "n";
    unsigned long int sizediff = 0;
    char *spikesEnd = NULL;
    spikesEnd =  (spikesStart + openMapSource.size() - sizeofstruct);
    sizediff = spikesEnd - spikesStart;
    std::cout << "Struct size is: " << sizeofstruct << "n";
    std::cout << "Char size is: " << sizeof(char)  << "n";
    std::cout << "size of int is: " << sizeof(int)  << "n";
    std::cout << "Number of records in this file: " << (openMapSource.size() - sizeofstruct)/sizeofstruct << "n";
    std::cout << "Number of records in this file: " << (spikesEnd - spikesStart)/sizeofstruct << "n";
    printf("With printf subtraction %zun",(spikesEnd - spikesStart));
    std::cout << "Proper subtraction : " << (spikesEnd - spikesStart) << "n";
    std::cout << "sizediff : " << sizediff << "n";
    printf("With printf sizediff %zun",sizediff);
    std::cout << "multiplier " << (spikesEnd - spikesStart)/sizediff << "n";
    std::cout << "Number of struct records in this file: " << numdiff < 0)
        numCurrent = numStart;
        step = (numdiff/2);

        numCurrent += step;
        currentSpike = spikesStart + numCurrent * sizeofstruct;
        currentRecord = (struct spikeEvent_type *)currentSpike;
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Current record is: " <time << "t" <neuronID << " at line" << numCurrent << "n";

        if (!(timeToCompare time))
            numStart = ++numCurrent;
            numdiff -= step + 1;
            numdiff = step;

    currentSpike = spikesStart + (numStart * sizeofstruct);
    currentRecord = (struct spikeEvent_type *)currentSpike;
#ifdef DEBUG
    std::cout << "Returning: " <time << "t" <neuronID << "n";
    return currentSpike;
}       /* -----  end of function binary_upper_bound  ----- */

 * ===  FUNCTION  ======================================================================
 *         Name:  binary_lower_bound
 *  Description:  First occurence of a key using binary search
 * =====================================================================================
    char *
binary_lower_bound (double timeToCompare, boost::iostreams::mapped_file_source &openMapSource )
    char *spikesStart = NULL;
    unsigned long int numStart = 0;
    unsigned long int numEnd = 0;
    char *currentSpike = NULL;
    unsigned long int numCurrent = 0;
    unsigned long int numdiff = 0;
    unsigned long int step = 0;
    unsigned long int sizeofstruct = sizeof(struct spikeEvent_type);
    struct spikeEvent_type *currentRecord = NULL;

    /*  start of last record */
    spikesStart =  (char *);
    numStart = 0;
    /*  end of last record */
    numEnd = (openMapSource.size()/sizeofstruct -1);

    /*  Number of structs */
    numdiff = numEnd - numStart;

#ifdef DEBUG
    std::cout << "Finding first of " << timeToCompare << "n";
    unsigned long int sizediff = 0;
    char *spikesEnd = NULL;
    spikesEnd =  (spikesStart + openMapSource.size() - sizeofstruct);
    sizediff = spikesEnd - spikesStart;
    std::cout << "Struct size is: " << sizeofstruct << "n";
    std::cout << "Char size is: " << sizeof(char)  << "n";
    std::cout << "size of int is: " << sizeof(int)  << "n";
    std::cout << "Number of records in this file: " << (openMapSource.size() - sizeofstruct)/sizeofstruct << "n";
    std::cout << "Number of records in this file: " << (spikesEnd - spikesStart)/sizeofstruct << "n";
    printf("With printf subtraction %zun",(spikesEnd - spikesStart));
    std::cout << "Proper subtraction : " << (spikesEnd - spikesStart) << "n";
    std::cout << "sizediff : " << sizediff << "n";
    printf("With printf sizediff %zun",sizediff);
    std::cout << "multiplier " << (spikesEnd - spikesStart)/sizediff << "n";
    std::cout << "Number of struct records in this file: " << numdiff < 0)
        numCurrent = numStart;
        step = (numdiff/2);

        numCurrent += step;
        currentSpike = spikesStart + numCurrent * sizeofstruct;
        currentRecord = (struct spikeEvent_type *)currentSpike;
#ifdef DEBUG
        std::cout << "Current record is: " <time << "t" <neuronID << " at line" << numCurrent <time < timeToCompare)
            numStart = ++numCurrent;
            numdiff -= step + 1;
            numdiff = step;

    currentSpike = spikesStart + (numStart * sizeofstruct);
    currentRecord = (struct spikeEvent_type *)currentSpike;
#ifdef DEBUG
    std::cout << "Returning: " <time << "t" <neuronID << "n";
    return currentSpike;
}       /* -----  end of function binary_lower_bound  ----- */

The rest is quite simple, really. I ask a thread to go over all my 16 memory mapped files, find the chunks and store it in a vector. This is then sorted and the frequency of occurrence of each neuron counted - which is the firing rate. It looks like this:

/*  Fill up my vectors with neurons that fired in this period */
for (unsigned int i = 0; i  0)
        chunkit = chunk_start;
        while (chunkit neuronID);
            chunkit += sizeof(struct spikeEvent_type);

        std::cout << timeToFly << " not found in E file "  << i < 0)
        chunkit = chunk_start;
        while (chunkit neuronID);
            chunkit += sizeof(struct spikeEvent_type);
        std::cout << timeToFly << " not found in I file "  << i << "!n";

/*  Sort - makes next operations more efficient, or I think it does */
std::sort(neuronsE.begin(), neuronsE.end());
std::sort(neuronsI.begin(), neuronsI.end());

/*  Get frequencies of inhibitory neurons */
std::vector::iterator search_begin = neuronsI.begin();
for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= parameters.NI; ++i)
    int rate = 0;
    rate = (std::upper_bound(search_begin, neuronsI.end(), i) != neuronsI.end()) ?  (std::upper_bound(search_begin, neuronsI.end(), i) - search_begin) : 0;

    search_begin = std::upper_bound(search_begin, neuronsI.end(), i);
/*  We have the inhibitory firing rate! */

/* Get frequencies of excitatory neurons */
search_begin = neuronsE.begin();
for(unsigned int i = 1; i <= parameters.NE; ++i)
    int rate = 0;
    rate = (std::upper_bound(search_begin, neuronsE.end(), i) != neuronsE.end()) ?  (std::upper_bound(search_begin, neuronsE.end(), i) - search_begin) : 0;
    search_begin = std::upper_bound(search_begin, neuronsE.end(), i);

The main method where I call my many threads would look something like this:

/* To see how long it takes, which I forgot to save to add to the post */
clock_start = clock();
int task_counter = 0;
/* graphing_times holds the times at which I need to extract chunks */
for(std::vector::const_iterator i = graphing_times.begin(); i != graphing_times.end(); ++i)
    std::vector<std::vector > extracted_data_temp;
    /*  Only start a new thread if less than thread_max threads are running */
    if (task_counter < doctors_max)
        /* Just a vector that keeps the currently running threads */
        timeLords.emplace_back(std::thread (tardis, std::ref(raster_data_source_E), std::ref(raster_data_source_I), std::ref(patterns), std::ref(recalls), *i, parameters));
        /* I called my main worker method tardis - always good to make your code fun - there may be a dalek somewhere in my file too ;) */
    /* Original comment from the source file below */
    /*  If thread_max threads are running, wait for them to finish before
     *  starting a second round.
     *  Yes, this can be optimised by using a thread pool but I really
     *  don't have the patience to look into ThreadPool or a
     *  boost::thread_group today!
        for (std::thread &t: timeLords)

/*  Wait for remaining threads to finish */
for (std::thread &t: timeLords)
clock_end = clock();

I'm not using a threadpool since the C++ standard doesn't provide one, and quite frankly, since I'm only making my threads read, I didn't need an implementation with mutexes and locks. I just use a certain number of threads at a time and wait for them to finish before starting the next batch.

The last time I ran my post processing script without memory mapped files, it took my system quite a while just to load the files. Once the files were loaded into memory, the processing bit was quite quick, obviously. However, with memory mapped files, I recently pulled out 4000+ chunks (I had a total of 11000+ graphs generated, so yeah, 4000+ chunks) in a tiny 230seconds. I'll try and benchmark it again when I run it next and provide "official" figures.


Well, in conclusion, memory mapped files are awesome - spend some time on them if you're processing large amounts of structured information - you'll take some time to learn how to use them, but your code will scale as your data gets larger and larger.

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