
Sun 03 July 2011

Fedora GSoC: Week 10

Posted by ankur in Tech (394 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

Like I had said, I didn't try to package any new applications this week. (I did actually, but I haven't submitted any review tickets this week). This week was about working on the existing review tickets.

To start with, "toothchart" was reviewed and approved. I'm grateful to Mario Blättermann, who …


Mon 20 June 2011

Keyboard shortcuts to control mpd

Posted by ankur in Tech (268 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

I use ncmpc, which is a great great curses based client for mpd. However, my multimedia keys won't work with ncmpc. I've been looking around for a while, trying to make them work so I don't have to keep switching to ncmpc when I want to move to the next …


Sat 18 June 2011

Fedora GSoC: Week 8

Posted by ankur in Tech (275 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

One cannot have a better work environment than to be at home with a singular task to focus on. I worked quite a bit this week, and I'm still neck deep in work. As lot of the work is to do with fixing upstream source, rather than packaging them up …


Tue 14 June 2011

Fedora GSoC: Week 7

Posted by ankur in Tech (222 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

This one's a little later than usual. I've been travelling and just arrived at my destination.

I'd describe the week as eventful, but we'll come back to that later. First, the progress:

I submitted Aeskulap and kradview for review. I also packaged Fiji (most of it anyway), until I ran …


Mon 30 May 2011

Fedora GSoC : Week 5

Posted by ankur in Tech (273 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

I did quite a bit of work this week. I really did :P

dcm4che is finally on the verge of packaging. It builds correctly, and there's a minor glitch in the javadoc generation which I think would be corrected in a day or two. It's build dependency, dcm4che-test has almost …


Sun 22 May 2011

Fedora GSoC : Week 4

Posted by ankur in Tech (193 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

Hello and welcome to the weekly news! I, FranciscoD, shall share with you the happenings in this week related to the on going Fedora Medical initiative under the GSoC programme. This special broadcast, is in place of the weekly one that airs Sunday night.

This week, I've been trying to …


Sat 21 May 2011

Counterstrike : Condition Zero on Fedora !

Posted by ankur in Tech (259 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

It's been a really really long time since I played on my system last. Actually, it's been a very long time since I played a PC game at all. I used to be an avid gamer a few years back, and Counterstrike and Age of Empires were my favourites.

I …