
Sun 22 May 2011

Fedora GSoC : Week 4

Posted by ankur in Tech (193 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

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Hello and welcome to the weekly news! I, FranciscoD, shall share with you the happenings in this week related to the on going Fedora Medical initiative under the GSoC programme. This special broadcast, is in place of the weekly one that airs Sunday night.

This week, I've been trying to package the FreeMedForms applications. Most of them are still at Alpha, and only a few are stable. FreeDiams is stable, and has been submitted for review. The FreeMedForms spec is under construction, and should be up for review today (Sunday!).

The dcm4che suite is still held up, as the previous post had detailed. I'm going to ping upstream again (I think I've pinged someone related to the project already, but I need to double check. ) and hope we can get the sources to the test-images to complete the packaging.

This coming week,  I'll submit Ginki CADx for review to start with. Once I'm done with that, I'll move to OpenEMR. There's a *long* list here.

We do need more reviewers. So if you've gotten some time to spare, please do look at the fedora medical tracker bug, and pick up a review ticket.

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