
Mon 29 November 2010

Some troubleshooting links

Posted by ankur in Tech (254 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

Most of us who hang around on #fedora have a number of aliases that come in handy while troubleshooting. I thought I'd put them up here so people could have a look. You can place these in your ~/.irssi/config file.

fedoraYumConfig = "/me points $0 to …


Sun 28 November 2010

vim : copying to the system clipboard

Posted by ankur in Tech (267 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

Copying a file off vim to paste some place is sometimes a problem. If you have line numbers enabled, you must disable them before selecting the text, plus you manually need to re-compose your lines that broke during the paste etc. I was pretty sure that there would be an …


Tue 23 November 2010

The fedora distribution process needs your help!

Posted by ankur in Tech (166 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

Hello!! Do you send out fedora media to people? Do you distribute fedora to your classmates and colleagues? Do you hold and attend events to help distribute fedora to more and more people? Most of us do, and are therefore a part of the Fedora Distribution Team. The Distribution team …


Fri 12 November 2010

System crash : away for 10 days

Posted by ankur in Tech (74 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

As the title reads, my system crashed in the morning today. It's not the hard disk. It looks like the mother board is fried. The system has been sent for repair. Therefore until I get a new system, or this one repaired,  I will not be able to respond to …


Sat 06 November 2010

Resizing pics : A simple command line approach

Posted by ankur in Tech (58 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

First install the required package:

$ yum install ImageMagick


$ cd /path/to/photos/to/resize
$ for i in *.JPG ; do convert $i -resize 25% new$i; done

That's pretty much it! This is very very simple. You might have to check if the file names have spaces etc. (my camera …