Using torrent RSS feeds with rtorrent
I was going through the rtorrent wiki looking for what else I could do with rtorrent. I love the client, and I really hate it when someone says "$MyClient can do this, haven't seen rtorrent do it." One such feature was using rtorrent with RSS feeds that you get from …
Folding in vim
Some vim links, so they're easy to find the next time I need them:
Tata Photon+ on Fedora 14
All right!! I read a lot of posts etc. which wanted me to use wvdial and the rest. Fedora didn't need it. Plug in, network manager pops up saying "active"? Activate and get to work!! AWESOME!!
How I came about learning awk
Well, at current, I'm interning at the IISc, as a research intern. A large chunk of my work is analysing logs that this implementation spews out and providing it to the team. These analysis reports enable us to look at trends, false positives and the such. Since the logs are …
Statistics from the IRC sig meeting
Worth having a look at
A remote mini FAD 2
We did quite a lot of work at the first remote mini FAD. Fortunately, there's more to do! I've outlined a follow up FAD. Please have a look and make it if your schedule permits.
A remote mini FAD
A few of us got together a few days back to edit up and show some love to the fp.o wiki. We concentrated more on the Category:Distribution pages. We archived obsolete ones and marked quite a few out dated pages as {{needs love}}. Sometime in the near future …
Turning your gnome-screensaver on and off with a single click!
Recently, I found myself wondering what the easiest, laziest way of toggling the screen saver state would be.
You're not interacting with your system, but, you are still using it. You may be watching a film, or taking notes off a document or website. I frequently need to refer …