
Thu 07 March 2013

I really like Gnome3

Posted by ankur in Tech (1146 words, approximately a 5 minute read)

The subject says it all. Since Gnome3 was released, or even in the works, all I've read about it is negative. I assume there must be posts that compliment it too, but forever reason, I've only run into what is now termed "Gnome bashing". I'm not going analyse why people …


Fri 22 February 2013

Free-media in Australia: Pricing

Posted by ankur in Tech (270 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

2013-02-22 12.25.52

I finally got down to getting my infrastructure set up to send out media here in Australia. I've bought and burnt the DVDs already. I went out to the post office today and found out what the cheapest method of mailing single DVDs would be. Here's a cost breakup:

Item …


Sun 10 February 2013

Free-media in Australia

Posted by ankur in Tech (117 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

I haven't been active with the free-media programme since moving to Australia towards the end of last year. I've been quite busy with university and settling down. Now that I'm no more new here, I'm going to try and restart my contribution to the free-media program and send out DVDs …


Sun 07 October 2012

Beamer: making hand outs for your presentations

Posted by ankur in Tech (381 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

It's often handy to create hand-outs for your presentations. (I need them for my master's assessments at the moment). It's really simple to make hand-outs. What we do is first create a presentation, like we normally do. Then, since the presentation generally contains overlays (the pause command and more), we …