Fedora Join is now on Telegram and Matrix
We set up new communication channels for Fedora Join. Come speak to us!
We set up new communication channels for Fedora Join. Come speak to us!
As the amount of work increases, it becomes ever so more important to manage time and work in an efficient way. So, there's Taskwarrior for managing tasks, Timewarrior for tracking them, and Gnome Pomodoro for making sure one takes regular breaks and doesn't let the long hours affect their health in a bad way.
I finally took some time out to set up neomutt and related tools that let me access my e-mail in a terminal. This post documents how I went about it.
I taught a Fedora Classroom session the other day - Git 101 - where I walked through the basics of Git. This is a quick summary of the session.
I finally found the time to set up an IRC bouncer to keep myself permanently connected to IRC networks. This post documents how I went about it using Amazon AWS, ZNC, and Irssi.
I taught a Fedora classroom session today - "Command Line 101" - where I introduced the command line and demonstrated how useful the command line is. This is a quick summary of the session.
Different teams use different platforms to communicate within themselves. When teams on different communication platforms want to collaborate, though - there's a bit of an issue. In this post, I document how one can setup channels on various platforms (Slack, IRC, Gitter) and bring them all together on Riot.
After years of using the excellent Firefox, I've decided to tweak my workflow a little more by giving Qutebrowser a go. Qutebrowser is a brilliant keyboard-focused browser. In this post, I document my first day with Qutebrowser, and I also include some tips and tricks that others may find helpful.
A summary of the Fedora Join SIG meeting we had on 22nd May, 2017. We discussed the ongoing resurrection of the IRC classroom programme, and then went on to discuss various video platforms that can be used for the Classroom v2 initiative. Both classroom programmes are aimed at seasoned contributors passing their knowledge on to newer ones. The IRC classrooms are text only (because they're held over the IRC) and this limits the breadth of topics that can be covered here. The new v2 initiative on the other hand, is aimed at using newer, more powerful platforms to host better sessions with more variety. There's much work to be done, and you can help!