Integrating mpd better with Gnome Shell
I personally like Gnome3 quite a bit. It works really well for me. That's a story for another day, however.
I've been looking for ways to integrate mpd (Media Player Daemon) better with gnome-shell to improve my GUI experience. I use ncmpcpp in my terminal instance, but it's always nice to have multimedia keys working and notifications too. Until now, I used to use indimpc (a Fedora review ticket that I filed is here). Tonight, I ran into the gnome-shell-mediaplayer-indicator extension. It supports quite a few music applications via the MPRIS2 specification. However, before you can use this with mpd, you need to install the mpDris2 package. It isn't in the Fedora repositories, so I've filed a review ticket (Package maintainer? Please review it!). There's also an rpm for Fedora 18 that I've built and am currently using.