
Thu 30 July 2015

CNS 2015 - Day 1

Posted by ankur in Research (421 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

I recently attended the conference for computational neuroscience (CNS 2015) in Prague. This post is a summary of the first day event. These have not been proofread at all. They're just what I noted during the conference.


Wed 29 July 2015

CNS 2015 - Day 0

Posted by ankur in Research (1207 words, approximately a 5 minute read)

I recently attended the conference for computational neuroscience (CNS 2015) in Prague. This post is a summary of the event. These have not been proofread at all. They're just what I noted during the conference.


Thu 03 October 2013

Hello research world!

Posted by ankur in Research (861 words, approximately a 4 minute read)

It's been just about a year since I started my research career as a masters student here at the University of Technology, Sydney. I'm working on bio-mimetic navigation for this course, focussed around computational modelling of head direction cells. This post is a traditional "Hello world!" post and documents my …


Sun 07 April 2013

Extracting raw data from ros topics

Posted by ankur in Research (664 words, approximately a 3 minute read)

Recently, I needed to extract raw data that we had collected from the PR2 robot. It's easy to collect data from topics, using the rosbag tool. You can collect data from multiple topics in one bag at a time.

Here's an example command that collects data from the robot:

rosbag …