
Sun 15 March 2020

A Vim script function to select signatures in Neomutt

Posted by ankur in Tech (359 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

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I've been using Neomutt for a while now. It allows me to stick to the Byobu based terminal workflow that I'm used to. Most importantly, it lets me use Vim to write my e-mails, so I don't need to really learn another tool now.

Neomutt can be configured to add a signature at the end of the e-mail, and one can select a signature depending on various parameters, such as the senders address using hooks. However, sometimes, one does need to select other signatures.

The simple Vim way, of course, is to simply delete the last few lines, and then read in the new signature using :r <filename>. This takes a few more key strokes than one would like (well, than I like) so I thought I'd dabble in Vim script a bit and automate it. Here's what I've come up with:

" A function to load the right signature when I'm using neomutt
function! LoadSignature(signature)
    " Only work for mail files
    let this_file_type = &filetype
    if this_file_type != "mail"
        echo "This is not a mail file! Not running!"
        return 1

    " Get the current signature's line
    " Go to last line
    let saved_cursor_position = getpos('.')
    " Set cursor to file end and search backwards
    call cursor(99999999999999999999, 0)
    let l:sigstart = search('-- ', 'b')
    " Confirm that the line was found
    if sigstart == 0
        echo "No signatures detected."
        return 1

    " Check if signature file exists
    let l:sigdir = escape(expand('$HOME'), '\') . "/Sync/99_private/neomuttdir/"
    let l:sigfile = sigdir . a:signature . ".sig"
    if filereadable(sigfile)
        " delete the current lines after the "-- " line
        let l:delstart = sigstart + 1
        execute delstart . ",$d"
        " Read the new signature
        execute sigstart . "read " . sigfile
        " Return cursor to wherever it was
        call setpos('.', saved_cursor_position)
        echo "File " . sigfile . " not found!"
        echo "Available signature files:\n" . globpath(sigdir, '*.sig')

So, adding this to ~/.vimrc would let one run :call LoadSignature('signature') in Vim to select a signature. Each signature is a different file with a .sig file extension in the location given by sigdir, and the name of the file is the argument that needs to be given to the function. If the signature file cannot be found, it'll list available ones.

It's quite simple really, and I'm sure it can be made better, but it works.

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