
Wed 25 April 2012

A bad day with free-media in India

Posted by ankur in Tech (464 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

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The quotes will say it all:

Dear Mr.ankur,

Will I ever recieve this media?


My reply:

Dear Mr abc,

While I agree that it's taking longer than usual to get media to you, I do not appreciate you pretending as if you have the right to any media that free-media sends out. If you were ready to take some, ANY trouble whatsoever, you could have gone ahead and collected media from an Ambassador right away! Instead, you prefer to sit at home and get media delivered to you, FREE of cost, without putting in any effort other than moving your fingers on a key board: how convenient. You are in Bangalore, as per my earlier comment, we have numerous ambassadors in Koramangla. Even if you are new to Bangalore, finding out what bus to take to reach Koramangala on a weekend is really not a lot to ask. It's been a month, right? Still new to Bangalore?

There are two categories of people who request media from us. One, who understand that we volunteers are taking out time from our busy lives, and spending our money to get media across to you. Such people are very patient and profusely grateful: One of them even sent me a money order with the postal and media charge. It was the least he could do for getting media sitting at home, he said.

The other category, is one that thinks we are a government service running by tax payers money. They think they have the right to have media delivered at their door step, without moving an inch, without paying a paisa. We are not, make no mistake. We are doing this out of goodwill, and our love for Fedora. We are not doing it to feed ingrates.

I'm sorry. I'm not going to send out media to you. Please file a fresh ticket next month and wait for someone to accept it, or purchase from one of the many online vendors.

No further emails from you will be entertained, Sir. The ticket is closed, so is the matter.


This person filed a ticket last month. I ran out of x86_64 media so I replied saying I'll send him media with the March batch. I haven't gotten down to sending it out yet.

He is in Bangalore, where almost 5 of us Ambassadors are. He has an Ambassador who is two bus rides away! "But why take the trouble? It should come at my doorstep, I have the right!" What right Sir?! I really fail to understand this! WHAT right!?!

A majority of requesters are not even polite enough to inform us that the media was deliverd. A minority emails, thanking us. This person is a whole new level. One that I could not ignore.

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