
Sat 14 April 2012

Fedora 17 beta

Posted by ankur in Tech (300 words, approximately a 2 minute read)

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To maintain tradition, I installed beta on my system yesterday. Fedora 17 beta is pretty good. It gave me both some pleasant and unpleasant surprises. I'm just going to note some of them down here to give them some visibility.

Broadcomm wireless working out of the box

I'm really not sure how this happened. I haven't read about it any place till now. This is my wireless hardware information:

[root@ankur ~]# lspci | egrep -i network

12:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4313 802.11b/g/n Wireless LAN Controller (rev 01)

[root@ankur ~]#

Until Fedora 16, I needed the kmod-wl from RPMFusion to get it working. Great to have a better out of the box experience! Now the bad news: It doesn't work very well :/ I get really bad speeds on my wifi, so I've filed a bug here. If you also observe the same issue, please add your comments to the bug.

Move from /media to /run/media/$USER/

This one really caught me by surprise. It seems that udisks2 has modified the target location of external mounted media. It is now under /run/media/$USER instead of the traditional /media. Nothing about this is present in the latest FHS. Systemd is probably going to get rid of /media altogether.

Creating USB sticks from F17 DVD isos

The directions on this page are correct. There's a bug in livecd-tools which has been fixed and pushed. Please ensure that you have at least version 16.11 of livecd-tools before trying to create your USB stick. If you don't, anaconda will ask you for network access after your drives have been wiped, leaving you with a broken system without an OS. (I was lucky to have another system to burn a DVD from.)

This is all I have at the moment. If something else comes around, I'll update the post as required.

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