What I've been up to recently
Most recently, I did my laundry ;). The transition from a college student to a corporate employee is taking me longer than it does most people. Since I'm due to start my post graduate courses in a few months, I guess I'm subconsciously resisting the transition. I can't wait to get back to studying! (Sounds crazy, I know!)
Anyhow, to Fedora related stuff. I've been trying to be more active as an Ambassador this cycle. I've been attending all the APAC meetings on Saturday mornings. I'm estatic to have been able to assist the APAC ambassadors in the FUDCon bidding process. I don't recall APAC ever being more active. It's great!
I'm working on the Fedora Videos project with Nitesh, Mark, tatica, Buddhika, Onuralp, Sarah , Dan, Akshaya, Sirko, Hoppar (and more people!). We're moving along nicely. The most recent meeting was last Thursday. You can read the meeting logs here. We've thrashed out most of the details: howtos, hosting, idea dump, licensing but we need to get down and dirty to making our own videos to really understand the process. I just filed a ticket with the design team for a pictographic "how to make and submit a fedora video". I have to make a screen cast, and also document the writing of srt files this week. I'm also doing the packaging for them. It's just one review ticket for the time being. It's a little more complex than I had imagined, but nothing I can't handle ;).
We're also back to working on the fedora tour after a prolonged hiatus. A small team has come together, and I expect to get down to implementing code soon. The meeting logs will tell you the current status: designing and deciding on the targeted audience. I've recently managed to rope in Suchakra who is an excellent designer (he was in-charge for the artwork for FUDCon Pune), to help out with the artwork and designing for the tour. We need one more quick meeting to drill down and agree on some details. Once done, we begin to code! (yay!).
I haven't worked on the free-media tool in a while. It "just works", and with the lack of free cycles, I haven't been able to get down to adding more features to it yet.
This year's Fedora GSoC is on! Buddhika is doing a great job really! The idea list is here. If you have something in mind, throw is in there.
I don't think I'm missing out anything here. That's all folks!