
Thu 16 February 2012

Fedora free-media-tool version 0.2alpha

Posted by ankur in Tech (1046 words, approximately a 5 minute read)

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I've managed to get most of the functionality coded up. Here's what ffmtool -h looks like now (on my system):

[ankur@ankur ~]$ ffmtool -h
[+] Parsing available options from config file: /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/config.cfg
Usage: ffmt [Options] [args]...
A tool to assist Fedora free-media contributors.
Without options, it prints pending envelopes to the current directory using default values of input and database files.

  -h [ --help ]                         Print this usage message.
  -c [ --config-file ] [=arg(=/home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/config.cfg)]
                                        Configuration file

  -d [ --database ] [=arg(=/home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/free-media-database.db)]
                                        Complete output file path

  -x [ --fas-username ] arg             FAS Username. Password will be asked if
                                        No command line option is provided to
                                        enter password to avoid entering of
                                        password in plaintext on the terminal.
                                        Use with -u

  -i [ --import ] [=arg(=/home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/report.csv)]
                                        Import data
                                        Optional argument: Complete input file

  -r [ --resolve ] arg                  Change status of provided ticket
                                        numbers to RESOLVED
                                        (default: 0 meaning all new tickets)

  -e [ --reset ] arg                    Change status of provided ticket
                                        numbers to PENDING
                                        (default: 0 meaning all fixed tickets)

  -A [ --assign-to-lc ] arg             Assign these tickets to a Local Contact
                                        (default: 0 meaning all)

  -f [ --force ] arg                    Force import even if the ticket exists
                                        in database

  -a [ --add-new ] arg                  Manually add a new entry: unimplemented

  -m [ --modify ] arg                   Modify the address in a ticket entry.
                                        Generally required when the address is
                                        malformed and the splitter can't handle
                                        arg: Ticket number

  -o [ --output-dir ] [=arg(=./)]       Directory to put the printed envelopes

  -P [ --print-ticket-info ] arg        Print ticket info for any one ticket

  -p [ --print ] arg                    List of ticket numbers to print
                                        envelopes for
                                        (default: 0 meaning all new tickets)

  -l [ --list ] [=arg(=all)]            List records in database

  -L [ --list-long ] [=arg(=all)]       List records with description

  -u [ --update ] arg                   Download latest report from the trac
                                        and update the database
                                        This automatically stores the
                                        information in default database

  -v [ --v-level ] [=arg(=0)]           Debug level: 1,2,3

  -n [ --sender-name ] arg              Senders name

  -s [ --sender-add ] arg               Senders address
                                        Use % as a line limiter

  -t [ --template ] [=arg(=/usr/share/fedora-free-media-tool/free-media-mailer.png)]
                                        Location of envelope template

  -V [ --version ] arg                  Package information: version etc.

[ankur@ankur ~]$

Not bad eh? It's probably going to have quite a few bugs yet. I haven't managed to test it out thouroughly yet. You can help ;)


If you're on an x86_64, you're in luck! Use this rpm.

I haven't been able to build an rpm for i386 systems yet because of this bug in curlpp.

On a fedora system, you'll need the following packages:

yum install sqlite-devel ImageMagick-c++-devel curlpp-devel boost-devel

Download the source here

Untar it anywhere, and then, the usual autotool steps

./configure --datadir=/usr/share
#datadir needs to be defined
#this is where the envelope template is kept

make install # as root

That's all!

Example usage:

[ankur@ankur SPECS]$ ffmtool -u
[+] Parsing available options from config file: /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/config.cfg
[+] /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/ already exists. Continuing..
[+] /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/ already exists. Continuing..
Username: ankursinha
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:03 --:--:--     0
100  5815  100  5815    0     0   3152      0  0:00:01  0:00:01 --:--:--  6889
[+] Datafile set to: /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/report.csv
[+] Databasefile set to: /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/free-media-database.db
[+] Database already exists. Continuing..
[X] File format should be:
1.1st line is a header
2.One record per line (including address)
3.Please ensure description consists only of address (personal message from requestor if any should be removed)
4.Each new address line begins with a ",[[BR]]"
[X] Example:
[X] Number of lines in file without header is 27 while number of records found is 19
[X] The difference suggests that some records are malformed. Please correct the records and use the -i option to import to database

Here, the file we downloaded was "malformed", because the ticket submitter didn't punctuate his address properly (or added a comment). Once you've gotten rid of the extra stuff from the data file:

[ankur@ankur fedora-free-media-tool]$ ffmtool -i
[+] Parsing available options from config file: /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/config.cfg
[+] /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/ already exists. Continuing..
[+] /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/ already exists. Continuing..
[+] Datafile set to: /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/report.csv
[+] Databasefile set to: /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/free-media-database.db
[+] Database already exists. Continuing..
[+] File seems well formatted. Proceeding to import.
Entered worker import function..
[+] Ticket 7353 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7710 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7816 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7823 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7835 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7842 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7855 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7863 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7896 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7907 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7916 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7938 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7945 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7948 already exists in table, skipping.
[+] Ticket 7949 imported to the database.
[+] 15 records successfully imported into database.
[ankur@ankur fedora-free-media-tool]$

You can use the various options to look/modify ticket entries in the database. All this stuff will be on your local copy only. I don't see a reason to update the trac info yet. The best part is, you can print your fedora free-media envelopes using this tool:

[ankur@ankur fedora-free-media-tool]$ ffmtool -l
[+] Parsing available options from config file: /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/config.cfg
[+] /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/ already exists. Continuing..
[+] /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/ already exists. Continuing..
All tickets in data base (ticket numbers only): 19
[ankur@ankur fedora-free-media-tool]$ ffmtool -p 7949 7948 7945
[+] Parsing available options from config file: /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/config.cfg
[+] /home/ankur/.config/fedora-free-media-tool/ already exists. Continuing..
[+] /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/ already exists. Continuing..
[+] Printed envelope for ticket number 7949 to ./free-mediaEnvelope7949.png.
[+] Printed envelope for ticket number 7948 to ./free-mediaEnvelope7948.png.
[+] Printed envelope for ticket number 7945 to ./free-mediaEnvelope7945.png.
[+] Datafile set to: /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/report.csv
[+] Databasefile set to: /home/ankur/.local/share/fedora-free-media-tool/free-media-database.db
[+] Database already exists. Continuing..
Marked ticket #7949
Marked ticket #7948
Marked ticket #7945
[ankur@ankur fedora-free-media-tool]$ ls *.png
free-mediaEnvelope7945.png  free-mediaEnvelope7948.png  free-mediaEnvelope7949.png
[ankur@ankur fedora-free-media-tool]$
This is what the envelope would look like:
example generated envelope

You can print all the envelopes at one go, or print them one at a time.

Since I'm using boost::program_options to take arguments, all the arguments can be specified in the config file. I've also put up an example config file that you can refer.

As always, feed back is welcome. You're welcome to review my code and point out improvements! This was supposed to be a practice project after all. You're most welcome to submit patches too! The git repository is hosted on gitorious.

Phew! Long post, probably the longest I've ever written. Cheers!

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