
Fri 03 September 2010

Weekly update

Posted by ankur in Tech (1022 words, approximately a 5 minute read)

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This week till 3/9/10.

Here's what I've been up to this week.

Fried Chicken ROCKS!

I've been eating aLOTof chicken this week. I'm having this awesome INR 65 combo from the "Asian Flava" Stall at the Food Court. It carries:

  1. a plate full of rice.
  2. A chicken of  choice (choose from "Sambal" chicken, Fried chicken, Curry chicken) -> 3 pieces
  3. Lettuceandveggies-> not my favourite, but I do eat them.
  4. Gravy of choice ("Sambal" or Curry)
  5. a Fried egg (you can take extra ones at INR 5 each) -> YUMMY

I've had different combinations of the combo all week. It's not too expensive, it's delicious, it's filling and healthy, and they don't keep you waiting!! What more can I ask for? :P

Broken Twitter

Do I need say any more? Dents, posts, and a lot more have been floating around all over. Pino's broken. Should Fedora shift to Gwibber? Should I leave twitter itself? Frankly, all the FOSS folks are there on anyway.

Unit Tests

Again, do I need say more? Tests. 5 tests , 3 days. My subjects this semester are :

  1. Distributed systems
  2. Neural networks and fuzzy logic (Elective 2)
  3. Design of the Unix Operating system (Elective 3)
  4. Artificial Intelligence(Elective 1)
  5. VC++ (compulsory for all! :( )

I have VC++ remaining tomorrow evening, and yes, I do not want to study it.

Fedora = nonsense?? [How dare you?!]

Yes, someone dented this. He/She was denting negatives about Fedora in Portuguese. I don't know how I understood (I speak no Portuguese at all). Maybe it was the repeated "!fedora" +  "fail" combination and the frustrated intonation of the dents. I went up to and read up the messages. I got down to the concerned party (in English, he understood) and clarified the doubts etc. and requested him to not dent such nonsense.

Setting up my server

Well, apparently setting up a headless install isn't that easy. (Here headless = no monitor, no keyboard, no mouse). I got on to and was told to use a SATA/IDE to USB converter + qemu to set up fedora on the hard drive and then plug it back into the desktop server. The converter works, but there are some issues.I've posted on the fedora user's mailing list for info there. It should get sorted quickly and then we can have the server functioning.

`UPDATE: Apparently my hard disk is fried. (Sucks!)`_

My remote works

See previous post :)

Fedora community stuff

I ran a thread on the Ambassador's list about the Ambassador's Map page. Susmit says he'll make changes whenever he can find the time. (Thank you Susmit).

I also ran a thread on the free-media list for a meet. That one seems to have gone sort of a waste. :(

`Oh! By the way, the free-media form is open for this month and requests have started to come in.`_

I came across Alice on a post to the PLUG mailing list. If anyone's interested in packaging it, please let me know. I can help reviewing etc. I would've packaged it myself, but since I'm not into teaching, maintaining it would be uninteresting for me.

I've hung around on the IRC, #fedora. fenris02 / Ayakashi gave me a cookie the other day for being helpful :D

10:16  \* Ayakashi hands FranciscoD a cookie

I made new friends on the IRC/ too. (Our mutual love for Fedora was the binding energy :P)


I sat up one day and went through the entire git reference at github. I'm going to read up more and clear my git concepts once and for all! I set up all my current development work on github. You can look at them here. If you want to look at my code etc. review it, please do. I like to learn lessons from folks, specially when they are as awesome as all of your around at their work.

Thefedora-tour is still at a stand still. Sindre got a new laptop, and surprise surprise,  pyclutter segfaulted on it too . The server is our last hope. Otherwise, we'll be waiting for the bug to get fixed to continue any development of the front end whatsoever.

15:57 -!- Subfusc [~sin@] has joined #fedora-tour
17:18 < Subfusc> FranciscoD, the tour segfaults on my new compy
to, and it should run on intel graphics
18:21 < FranciscoD> Subfusc: yeah, lets hope it does
18:21 < FranciscoD> whats the conf of your new lappy? nvidia?
18:23 < Subfusc> no
18:23 < Subfusc> its some nvidia optimus crap
18:23 < Subfusc> should run intel drivers
19:10 -!- Subfusc [~sin@] has quit [Remote host
closed the connection]

Fun and frolic

This week's been boring and monotonous. Exams share some of the blame. Continuous rainfall shares some too. My bike is lying at the parking unused. Lots of music as always. ACDC + Alice Cooper + Aerosmith + .... [ my profile ]


Well, it'd be wrong if the entire week went by mellifluously. Juniper decided to come to campus to pick folks for intern-ships on Monday. They have a lower limit on GPA at around a 7.5 (mine is 8.52). However, they want a 75% + in both class 10 and 12. I had a 90% in class 10 and a 73% in class 12 (it's the Kota effect, if you're in India, you'll know what this means). Therefore, I'm not eligible to sit for the interviews or even the written. Really, why do they care what grades I got when I had physical education as one of my subjects? I'm awesome at Computer Science. As of now, I'm still hanging free for my 8th semester project. I've been mailing a lot of universities requesting a research based intern-ship (even unpaid if possible), but the responses haven't been very positive yet. I don't have a bachelor's degree yet, and very limited research experience (only 2 months at the IISc), so it's hard work getting something that's research based. *sigh*

Exams get over tomorrow, so it's going to be an awesome night. Info on that in another post. I'm sure there's a lot that I've missed. Since it's my first "journal" post, it's below par. I'll get better as I keep doing this.*That's all folks! Good night!*

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