
Sat 05 June 2010

Fedora 13 release party with FSMK in Bengaluru

Posted by ankur in Tech (205 words, approximately a 1 minute read)

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F13 just released a while back. An awesome release that's being discussed everywhere!! Folks here in Bangalore had been really itching to celebrate this one with a release party. Rangeen and Deependra took the initiative on this one and announced the release party a few days back on the fedora-india mailing list. They had done their homework already : They had talked to their friends at the FSMK (Free Software Movement Karnataka) and cajoled them into being a part of the event (also into providing their office as the venue).

We din't really need to prepare much for this one. I had managed to download the DVDs and some Lives of the Spins to share with the audience. A couple of burnt Lives came in handy to show folks what 13 was about at the venue itself.

We kicked off with a quick round up of the features that F13 carried. (Thank you for the one page release notes !!) Various queries were pitched, some old, some new. None of them went unanswered ;)

This was followed by an hour of discussion concentrated around the FSMK and Fedora, how we could work better together.

What followed can easily be described by "YUM" ;)

The pics can be found here

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